May 23-26, 2023

My apologies for not posting an update last week. I had a family emergency and was away. However, I am back this week and we accomplished a lot! 

This week:

-Welcome 2 new students!

-Finished learning about the different political platforms for the election on Monday.

-Wrote about who we would vote for and how we think it would help Alberta/Albertans.

-Learned about Chromatography and tested different ink to solve which pen wrote the mystery note.

-Analyzed handwriting.

-Responded to our Podcast Mars Patel. It is online to stream if your child would like to listen to the next season!

-Practiced our graphing skills.

-Wrote concrete and acrostic poems. We also published our "I am" or Biographical poem.

-Discussed what life would be like if we lived every day twice in anticipation of our new novel the Double Life of Danny Day.

-Worked through social scenarios using our conflict resolution framework in Health.

-Developed our serving and bumping skills in Volleyball.

A reminder that there is no school on Monday. An email went out from Mr. Lang, asking for volunteers for the Grade 6 Farewell. If you are able to help, please email Ms. Connellan

Have a fantastic weekend! 


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