We have had a lot of fun this week outside in the snow! I'm hoping with the upcoming forecast, we can get outside and have some snow building challenges!

Today, you should have received an email from your child about the highlights of school this past month. They are really excited to email and love receiving replys!

This week we:

-Welcomed Mr. Ikenouye to our classroom. He is completing his final teaching practicum at the University of Calgary. He will be with us until mid December and then again from February to April.

-Started basketball in gym.

-Worked on our Pillars of Democracy Project (due Monday if not already finished).

-Talked about Forest Management plans and how to keep Alberta's forests sustainable.

-Continued to work on multiplication and division in all math groups.

-Looked at mentor texts of fairy tales and developed criteria of makes a fairy tale. We also explored fractured fairy tales (fairy tales with a twist). Next week, we will start planning our own fractured fairy tale.

-Met with all the 5/6's for the STEM challenge of "Saving Fred".

-Next week we will be focusing on Remembrance Day. We will have an assesmbly on Thursday. 

Have a wonderful weekend.


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