May 30th-June 2nd, 2023

How are we at June already? It is hard to process that we have 19 days left before summer vacation. Even though the end is approaching, we have been busy with new projects.

This week we:

-Picked a topic of choice for our Multi-Genre project. Students have selected a topic of interest to research and share their information through 3 different genres of their choice to showcase their learning. It will be due Tuesday, June 13th.

-Tested fabric samples and learned about natural vs. synthetic fabrics. 

-Finished our unit of volleyball and will be completing self reflection about our skills and sportmanship.

-Displayed our self portraits with our I am poems.

-Discussed election results and learned more about the services of the provincial government.

-Worked on sketching skills with our buddies.

-Analyzed poetry, looking for use of figurative language.

-Grade 6 math conducted surveys and created graphs to show the findings (Due Monday).

-Roa math began exploring quadrilaterals.

-Copithorne math is working on volume/measurement.

Other info:

-We had another visit with Mr. Lang about appropriate behaviour in school and soccer. We are encouraging families to talk to their children about how they are conducting themselves in the classroom and if they are being a kind and helpful student. 

-June 5-9 will be the last week of book exchange for classes/students. All resources signed out by students are required back by Wednesday, June 14. Please check at home if there are any library books that need to be returned.

-Forms for our Human Sexuality unit went home Wednesday. Only sign and return if your child is NOT participating. We will begin the week of June 12th.

-Patrol Picnic is Wednesday, June 7th. A reminder to pack a water bottle, sunscreen and hat. You are welcome to bring money to purchase treats. Ms. Field and Ms. Roa will meet students at 9:30am at Gasoline Alley. Pick up is at 4pm. 

-We are still looking for parent volunteers for the Grade 6 Farewell, Wednesday, June 28th. Please email Ms. Connellan is you are able to help set up that morning (10am) at

-A reminder about cell phone use at school. It is expected that your child's phone is in their backpack during the day. If you need to contact your child in the day, please call the office. We are making a number of trips to our backpacks lately to check messages/take a game break. 


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