February 13-15, 2023

I'll keep this week short since well...it's a short week!

-Science infographics are due next Wednesday, February 22nd.

-There is a science review guide in the Google Classroom. We are having a test on sky science February 23rd. 

-We wrote our first news articles. We will be comparing our articles to exemplars next week, setting goals for our next articles.

-In math, Grade 6's began working on improper fractions and mixed numbers.

-Ms. Roa's math group has begun learning about equivalent fractions.

-Mrs. C's math is finishing up division.

-We learned about the wampum belt and how it represents collective identity.

-Met with our buddies to draw portraits.

-Began exploring why we use the scientific method and its process.

-Had a performance by Evergreen Theatre titled "The Wicked Witch of the Wetlands".

See you on Tuesday, February 21st. 


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