November 28th-December 2, 2022

Thank you parents for taking an opportunity to speak with me regarding your child's learning the last couple of weeks. I always love celebrating the progress each student makes. During this extra cold week, we have:

-Learned about the seasons in regards of Earth's rotation, revolution and being on an axis. 

-Started exploring the phases of the moon. Each student has been given a moon tracking sheet to be completed daily between now and December 22nd. 

-Practiced our listening skills by listening to the 6 minute podcast.

-Learned about how the citizens in Ancient Athens participated in decision making.

-Had an opportunity for free writing now that we finished our fractured fairy tales. 

-Began looking at the food guide and learning about free/natural sugars.

-Worked on our reading comprehension challenge.

-Continued developing our multiplying and dividing skills, applying to word problems.

-Had combined 5/6 math with all 3 classes to explore the Collatz Conjecture. 

-Participated in an online workshop to learn about how to use Minecraft Edu in hopes of participating in CBE's next Minecraft Challenge.

Please remember to continue to send winter clothes to school. The gym is being painted next week so we will be outside for gym as well (weather permitting). 

Stay Warm!

Ms. Field


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